If you are interested in attending and participating in the CGNA Board Meetings, please use the Zoom link and information below: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9707190098?pwd=cTBnaVVoZEFOS2lCeUpyL2dwWTlpZz09&omn=84089536796 Meeting ID: 970 719 0098 Passcode: CGNA (case sensative)
David Drelinger, Katherine “KC” Schuft, and Kevin Rooney (Left to Right) speak at the most recent CGNA Board Meeting.
The return to an in-person only Association/Foundation/Annual Meetings was well received by the College Greens and Glenbrook residents and the business sponsors. Station 60 opened the back gate at 6:00 pm and President Annette Deglow opened the meeting… Read More
Doors open at 6 PM, with the agenda beginning promptly at 6:30 PM. Please join us at Fire Station 60 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 for the CGNA Annual Meeting.
The College-Glen Neighborhood Association and Foundation’s Annual Corporate meetings drew a full house. President Annette Deglow opened the meeting with a summary of the year’s activities and a financial report for the Association and the Foundation. Following the… Read More
The College-Glen Neighborhood Association and Foundation’s Annual Corporate meetings drew a full house. President Annette Deglow opened the meeting with a summary of the year’s activities and a financial report for the Association and the Foundation. Following the… Read More